Hi everyone,
It's definitely been a hectic week, but I still want to check in and let you all know what went on this week! As usual, I had one paper due this week for one of my classes so I did not get to sleep that much this week (It's become a weekly trend of at least one paper due for a class).
BUT I did do something different, I went to Washington DC on Tuesday and attended to Idealist Grad Fair with my co-worker, Janeen! It was my first time on an official off-campus graduate fair so I will go moment by moment! (and of course, pictures!)
The Train ride/walk there
So this is my first time taking the Amtrak to another city. I never had to take the Amtrak living in California (because driving to places was way easier). I was very surprised at the similarities to airports and airplanes! The inside of the train felt exactly like that of an airplane, except slightly bigger. I tried to work on my paper during the train ride but it was kind of bumpy along the way (still got a little bit done).
![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-MpNlN99GzPE/Uk8yn_Wcy0I/AAAAAAAAAcI/JLd8hFSeXVo/s1600/2013-10-01+15.07.47.jpg) |
inside of DC union station...beautiful |
![](http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-s4rRKV6SjHk/Uk8ynyUVsEI/AAAAAAAAAcM/79ScUX4hRAA/s1600/2013-10-01+15.31.40.jpg) |
walked by this sign while on my way to convention center |
After I arrived, I was instantly amazed at the sheer size and beauty of DC Union Station. It feels like a mall in there! I didn't get the chance to walk around but I definitely was impressed with the entire place being so fancy! I got out of the building and walked 8 blocks to the convention while admiring the nearby apartment buildings and streets! Definitely a different feel from Philly. I am glad I am getting this experience to travel to other places than Philly.
The event (convention center)
The convention center is HUGE. It took me a good 5 minutes to walk to the end of the convention center to where the idealist grad fair was held. I helped Janeen set up and we were good to go! We had a LOT of prospective students come and speak to us. One student in particular commented that it was nice to speak to a current student (ME!) than all the admission counselors. I felt good after hearing that, knowing that I made a small difference in someone's life :D
![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-31Id-l_ziLU/Uk8ynmSejWI/AAAAAAAAAcE/yTe3a0ZnwEM/s1600/2013-10-01+15.38.37.jpg) |
some cool designs inside |
![](http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-1hSzfBmsK2o/Uk8ypkHN0QI/AAAAAAAAAck/54G7TVGY1yc/s1600/2013-10-01+15.44.41.jpg) |
birds eye view of the fair |
![](http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-mTT20qV8c1g/Uk8yp1ojS8I/AAAAAAAAAcs/YPh3RM8RwIA/s1600/2013-10-01+16.23.36.jpg) |
Our GSE desk! |
The run back to the train!
The event was from 5pm-8pm and we ended a bit late (around 8:15PM). After realizing that my train leaves at 8:45PM, I fast-walked straight to the train station. Whew...that was tiring, but I made it with 5 mins to spare! Overall it was a great trip, I got to see what an off-campus recruitment fair looks like and meet lots of prospective students. It was super fun experience, and now it's time to get back to work!